Freedom of religion or belief ‘the defining issue of our time’

Freedom of religion or belief ‘the defining issue of our time’
Over 100 parliamentarians from 60 countries met this week in Berlin for a series of workshops and seminars under the title, “An Embattled Right: Protecting and Promoting Freedom of Religion of Belief”. The second conference of this size after last year’s meeting in New York, it was organised by the . . . Read More

Religious freedom network should be as ‘outspoken and organised’ as the extremists

Religious freedom network should be as ‘outspoken and organised’ as the extremists
In the face of rising persecution of people on the grounds of faith or belief, more than 100 parliamentarians from almost 50 countries met on 18 September in New York to discuss ways to advance religious freedoms. One hundred and thirty delegates packed into a room that was booked for . . . Read More