‘Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians’

'Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians'
This is a book designed to show that “Christians are the single most widely persecuted religious group in the world today” (p4). With that aim, three authors well known in the field of religious advocacy give the reader the ultimate global briefing on the causes, patterns and trends in the persecution . . . Read More

Anniversary of Eritrea crackdown

It’s been 11 years since Eritrea outlawed all Christian churches except those belonging to the Orthodox, Catholic and Lutheran denominations. Eritrea is currently ranked 10th on the World Watch List, an annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians are most under pressure for their faith. To mark the date, . . . Read More

Africa rises on World Watch List of worst persecutors

Africa rises on World Watch List of worst persecutors
Africa, where Christianity spread fastest during the past century, now is the region where oppression of Christians is spreading fastest, a new report says. The two-year-old Arab Spring has toppled autocrats across Northern Africa, but it also has energized militant Islamist movements that have killed hundreds of Christians and endanger . . . Read More