Tanzanian widow overcomes grief of husband’s murder during spate of church attacks in east Africa

Tanzanian widow overcomes grief of husband's murder during spate of church attacks in east Africa
“Widows often suffer great loneliness. After I lost Elias I feared that loneliness very much.” Three years on from husband Elias’ death, Mary Lunyamila Meshack recalls how her life changed forever the night he stood guard during an overnight service at their church in Mwanza, on the shores of Lake . . . Read More

Attackers torch Tanzanian university

A security guard was killed and two other people seriously injured at a private university in north-east Tanzania, close to the Kenyan border, on 2 September when a mob attacked and set fire to the campus. Students at the Lutheran Church-owned Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University in Lushoto escaped through small . . . Read More

Report: Christianity contracting in MidEast, Africa

Report: Christianity contracting in MidEast, Africa
Christianity is fast disappearing from entire regions, most notably a huge chunk of the Middle East, and could vanish from Iraq within five years, according to a new report by Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need. Released in the UK’s House of Lords on Tuesday, the report, “Persecuted and . . . Read More

Tanzanian teacher murdered in church, pastor and wife on Zanzibar attacked by extremists

Tanzanian teacher murdered in church, pastor and wife on Zanzibar attacked by extremists
Pastor Crodward Edwar (centre) at a press conference about the Bukoba murderHarakati News blog   Unknown attackers killed a Christian man by machete and injured another in Bukoba in northwest Tanzania on Thursday, Oct. 9, according to sources. This followed another recent incident on Zanzibar island in which a pastor . . . Read More

Bombs heighten fears that Zanzibar autonomy movement targets Christians

Bombs heighten fears that Zanzibar autonomy movement targets Christians
A series of bomb blasts in Tanzania’s island of Zanzibar is stoking fears that an Islamist breakaway movement is increasingly targeting Christians. Since 2010, the cases have been on the increase and Christians and their leaders — many of them originally from mainland Tanzania — say they are anxious. In . . . Read More

Peace efforts in Tanzania ‘useless’

Christian leaders in Tanzania have said peace efforts between Christians and Muslims in the country have proved useless after the recent burning of two churches. The torching of a Lutheran church in Korogwe and Evangelical Assemblies of God church in Kalalani have caused the union of church denominations in the . . . Read More