Freed Czech charity worker recalls finding hell and heaven in Sudan’s jails

Freed Czech charity worker recalls finding hell and heaven in Sudan’s jails
The Czech aid worker who spent 14 ½ months behind bars in Sudan has said he counted his experience a “privilege” because it enabled him to share his Christian faith with Sudanese prisoners, and praised the country’s “very courageous” Christian minority. Petr Jašek also told World Watch Monitor that two . . . Read More

UPDATE: Two Sudanese convicted of aiding Czech Christian ‘spy’ released

UPDATE: Two Sudanese convicted of aiding Czech Christian 'spy' released
UPDATE [11 May 2017] – The two Sudanese men who were jailed with the Czech aid worker, Petr Jasek, were released from prison in Khartoum this afternoon after a presidential pardon. Abdumonem Abdumawla and Revd Hassan Abduraheem Taour were arrested in December 2015 for “aiding and abetting” Jasek in his alleged ‘spying’. In January this . . . Read More

360° view of forgotten war in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains

360° view of forgotten war in Sudan's Nuba Mountains
News agency IRIN has produced a video that offers a 360° view of the situation of the people of the Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan, a state in southern Sudan. (To experience a 360° view, play video, then “move” view by hovering your mouse.) The Nuba people, living on the border with . . . Read More

Sudan: Justice criticises NISS intelligence agency

Sudan’s Deputy Chief Justice has denounced “ongoing arbitrary arrests” by Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS). “The security apparatus should not be left to do whatever it wants,” said Justice Abdulmajid Idris, who also criticised long periods of detention without trial. The NISS has been involved in the arrest . . . Read More

UPDATE: Czech aid worker freed to fly to Prague after his Foreign Minister visits Sudan

UPDATE: Czech aid worker freed to fly to Prague after his Foreign Minister visits Sudan
UPDATE (26 Feb) A Czech aid worker, Petr Jašek, 52, detained in Sudan since December 2015, has been pardoned and freed by President Omar Bashir – after the Czech Foreign Minister Lubomir Zaorálek visited Sudan this weekend to seek his release. He has flown back to Prague with the Foreign Minister today (Sunday . . . Read More