Iran’s nuclear programme ‘distracting’ world from rights abuses

Iran's nuclear programme 'distracting' world from rights abuses
Former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on a tour of an Iranian nuclear facility.Pere Ubu / Flickr / Creative Commons   An Iranian Nobel Prize-winner has warned EU and US officials that Iran’s nuclear programme is distracting them from addressing the country’s human rights abuses. Shirin Ebadi, now living in the UK, . . . Read More

Iranian Christian jailed for 10 years freed

Iranian Christian jailed for 10 years freed
An Iranian Christian sentenced to 10 years in prison has been released after three months. Mostafa Bordbar, 27, was released Nov. 3 from Tehran’s Evin Prison after charges of participating in an “anti-security organisation” and “gathering with intent to commit crimes against Iranian national security” were overturned. Bordbar was arrested . . . Read More

Retired pastor tried in Tehran

The trial of a retired Iranian-Armenian pastor started on September 7 at the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, nine months after his arrest, reports Mohabat News. Vruir Avanessian, 61, is accused of “action against national security” and “proselytising Farsi-speaking citizens”. His trial took place behind closed doors. Avanessian, who suffers from . . . Read More

Iranian convert jailed for 10 years

Mostafa Bordbar.World Watch Monitor   Mostafa Bordbar, an Iranian convert to Christianity, has been jailed for 10 years (Source: Mohabat News). Bordbar, 27, who was arrested last year, was sentenced to five years for membership of an “anti-security organisation” and five years for partaking in “gatherings with intent to commit . . . Read More

Iranian Christians continue to face arrest, imprisonment

Iranian Christians continue to face arrest, imprisonment
Ebrahim Firouzi, 28, jailed for “promoting Christian Zionism, attempting to launch a Christian website, contact with suspicious foreigners and running online church service”.Mohabat News   The steady flow of Iranian Christians facing arrest and imprisonment on spurious charges continues. In Shiraz, famous for its cultural significance to Iranians as the . . . Read More