CAR’s clerics say ‘war must stop’ as killings continue despite peace agreement

CAR's clerics say 'war must stop' as killings continue despite peace agreement
More than 100 people were killed last week in the Central African Republic (CAR), only a day after a peace agreement was signed by 13 of the country’s 14 armed groups in Rome, brokered by the Catholic peace-building group Sant’Egidio. Rev Nicolas Guérékoyamé-Gbangou, president of the Evangelical Alliance – one . . . Read More

UPDATE: CAR’s peace-making leader mourns loss of loved ones as 3,000 shelter inside church

UPDATE: CAR's peace-making leader mourns loss of loved ones as 3,000 shelter inside church
UPDATE (18 May): As more details emerge, it has been confirmed that it was Rev. Nicolas Guérékoyamé-Gbangou’s youngest brother and nephew, not his son and grandson, who were killed in the latest eruption of violence in the Central African Republic. A local church leader told World Watch Monitor they may . . . Read More

CAR: ‘Simple survival rule in IDP camp: if you walk out, you might be killed’

CAR: 'Simple survival rule in IDP camp: if you walk out, you might be killed'
Last month, April, saw the worst violence for years in the Central African Republic, said Medecins sans Frontieres. The UN, which has a 13,000 safe-keeping mission (MINUSCA) in the former French colony, has sought to disperse fighters, while the United States has imposed sanctions on CAR militia leaders. Despite the . . . Read More

CAR: Special Criminal Court prosecutor appointed as killing continues

CAR: Special Criminal Court prosecutor appointed as killing continues
The three top faith leaders of the Central African Republic (CAR), who’ve won international recognition for efforts to end conflict in their country, have welcomed the appointment of a prosecutor for a Special Criminal Court. CAR has been beset by religious and ethnic conflict between mainly Muslim Séléka rebels and . . . Read More

Pastor killed, 2 churches destroyed in renewed violence in Central African Republic

Pastor killed, 2 churches destroyed in renewed violence in Central African Republic
Hundreds of internally displaced people (IDPs), shaken by the renewed violence, have returned to the refugee camp at Bangui M’Poko Airport, where they sought refuge when the violence first erupted in 2013. A flare-up of violence in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic (CAR), on 7 February left . . . Read More

Donors pledge $2.2bn to help Central African Republic recover

Donors pledge $2.2bn to help Central African Republic recover
Oxfam says half the 4.8 million population of the Central African Republic needs humanitarian assistance. Open Doors International The President of the Evangelical Alliance in the Central African Republic has praised the international community’s pledge of US$2.2 billion to help reconstruct a county ravaged by three years of civil war. Around . . . Read More

UPDATE: At least 23 killed in fresh attack in north of C. African Republic

UPDATE: At least 23 killed in fresh attack in north of C. African Republic
UPDATE (13 Oct.): Fighters from Central African Republic’s largely Muslim Séléka militia attacked refugees in Kaga Bandoro, in the country’s remote north on Wednesday (12 Oct.), reports Reuters. Thirteen people were stabbed or hacked to death, before U.N. peacekeepers repelled the attackers, killing at least 10 of them, officials said. Several . . . Read More